Meet the Artists


Desi Arellano is a true master of his craft with extensive experience in the field.  By focusing on the quality of alloys and how it affects human skin, he offers his clients an insightful and safe experience with the installation of jewelry. Desi provides his clients quality jewelry selection, a stress-free piercing procedure, and makes himself available to clients through all stages of the healing process.

Through working with the finest jewelry manufacturers and private jewelers, Desi only selects pieces that meet his and his clientele’s highest standards.

Modern piercers are upscale jewelry artisans that do alternative installations. Desi attends major annual conferences and stays on the cutting edge of his trade, always utilizing the newest and highest preferred methods in his field. His desire to constantly advance his skill level and knowledge allows him to hone his craft in a way that ensures the most exceptional experience for his clientele.


Alex has been piercing professionally for 5 years. She first joined the Artifact family in January of 2020 and was hired full time in June of 2022.

Her favorite piercings to do are paired nostrils. Symmetry makes her heart happy.

On her days off she enjoys spending time with her son as well as antiquing for vintage pyrex and carnival glass.


Ciera Baker started her career as a body piercer here with us. She completed her apprenticeship and swiftly established herself as an asset to Artifact. Her gentle approach and kindness sets her apart from so many in this industry.

You can catch her here Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.


Nicole has worked at Artifact since May 2021 but has been a client since long before that. She is our resident counter manager and does everything from booking your appointments to building custom orders to jewelry styling and curating. Unsure of what you want? She can assess your style and anatomy and help you make the best choice for you. Her extensive knowledge makes her one of the best people at Artifact to go to for all your jewelry needs. In her free time she enjoys watching romantic comedies and dramas and snuggling with her cat.